Provide as much accurate information as you can for our experts, answering all the questions with a fair response to the condition of your static.
Select any of the options that are applicable to your static as these may add significant value when coming to sell, please answer the questions to the best of your ability.
Complete the options to help our experts get an accurate view of your static accessories for valuation purposes and our best advice. Add any further information that you feel we should now.
If your static is located on a caravan park, please provide the details. Static caravans values can alter significantly dependant upon the location. If your static is located on a desirable park, it can add a significant amount to the value of your holiday home.
We will respond to your request via either phone or email to help you sell your static and discuss the options available to you.
Upon receipt of your information our experts will use their specialised knowledge to help you find the best way to sell your static.
Our team will help you with our best knowledge. We can guide you on selling prices for which ever way you choose to sell your static. Our industry expertise gives us the ability to advise you on private sale valuations or selling to a we buy any static trade buyer.
''To give our users the best and simplest way to sell their static the way they choose, covering every option from a private sale to selling to a dealer or we buy any static trader.'' Caravans Website
We also have access to the largest database of static dealers and can assist you in getting the best trade price for your static.
So if you have reached the decision to sell your static, contact us today!.
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